
Beekeeper Group Website Redesign

Beekeeper Group Website Redesign

Clay White.png

Managing the hive

Beekeeper Group Website Redesign

Visual Design

Problem & Goal

The issue with Beekeeper Group’s website previously was that the site had dated design and the load time for a user to navigate the site was 60% longer than standard. It was also unclear what our organization specializes in, solely on the design of our website. For example, Beekeeper Group gets the occasional inquiry on bee-related services as opposed to advocacy and strategy work, which proved that our website design was a visual communication issue.

After looking into a competitive analysis of the websites of similar agencies, we decided to create a site that would not need excessive updates or rely on photography.


First, we researched our main sources of traffic for the website. Based on that data, we created a list that prioritized what information needed to be emphasized.

Then, we did a competitive analysis of other companies that operate in the same sphere of digital communications and advocacy.


As a fast-paced digital agency, Beekeeper Group does fantastic work for our clients, and because of that, our internal tasks can sometimes be set aside on the back burner. The design team decided that we needed a digital presence that is low-maintenance and easily updated.

We focused on making the visual designs clever, and not kitschy or dependent on excessive puns, and made sure that our website looked clean and digital-focused.
